HCK2 Gives Back
Along with other promising businesses across North Texas (including two of our clients – ESOnDemand and Tech America), we got our Bob Vila on and did some home improvement on the Park South Family YMCA.
It was more than one of those times when you sweat for an entire day and all you got was “this little t-shirt.” Don’t get us wrong… we did get a t-shirt, but so much more.
We received the satisfaction of painting and landscaping a place of refuge for children near Fair Park. We united with strangers, acquaintences and some friends in the name of giving back and paying it forward.
September 11 has become so much more than a memorial for the tragedy at the World Trade Center. The day is also a reminder of service and stewardship.
On that day, America gathered under one banner despite race, religion or political persuasion. People stood side-by-side and worked hand-in-hand to help others who may not have been able to help themselves and that legacy carried on this past weekend.
Some of us (names withheld to protect the guilty) may not have known the difference between painter’s tape and masking tape, gloss paint and flat paint, or what in the world a semi-gloss is, but one thing is clear – we all know pride.
We had pride in our efforts, in our team and in this amazing day. And now we understand the true meaning to the old DIY adage, “Sometimes, all you need to brighten a room is a coat of paint.”
Hopefully, we brightened a lot more than a room.