The Importance of Mentoring
Then, there are those still searching for someone, like a visitor we welcomed from the UNT’s PRSSA Group.
It made me think how fortunate we are for so many opportunities in the DFW region to get involved in public relations and creative services. Online communities like LinkedIn, local universities’ shadowing programs, and there is even a national mentoring program.
Here at HCK2, we encourage mentoring among our employees and have outlined some best practices to consider.
Mentors are trusted counselors and their knowledge and experience offers guidance and advice and can steer those we serve in the right direction, but these students must still rely upon themselves to succeed.
Take your role as a mentor seriously and take the initiative to make time for them. If you set some time to talk about what each party wants to get out of the relationship, it will be more successful. Make sure to respect their confidentiality as well.
Communications students, if you are a looking for a mentor, please remember that ultimately you are responsible for your own career development. Mentors can give you advice and training, but it is what you do with that time and the effort that you put in that will make you successful.